“I Am A Friend Of God”

My Story

What a difference a week makes. I’m always amazed by the love God is waiting to extend to me when I lay my pride aside, stop trying to be super woman and fully surrender myself into His hands. I know what you’re thinking…you’ve said that before, but truthfully I lied. I only allowed God to have the problems I wanted Him to have. I kept the one that was causing me the most shame–my fear of failure.

I’ve spent most of my life trying not to let anyone down. I’ve perfected the art of looking like I’m confident and most of the time it appears I’ve got everything under control. Lately though, I’ve felt like all the things I juggle have been crashing down around me, leaving a trail of one disappointed friend or family member after another. 

Over the weekend my armour began to crack and I realized as I was talking with Tony that it was time to go to my prayer mat. I knew I needed God to intervene in my life because I had reached the end of what I could do and something had to change.

Later that night when the house was quiet, I pulled out Beth Moore’s book, “So Long, Insecurity”, and God led me on a prayer journey of repentance, renewal, and commitment. I left my prideful, insecure feelings at the foot of the cross and asked God to fill me anew with His presence. I felt like the prodigal coming home. There aren’t words in the English language to adequately describe the feelings I had in my soul when I went to bed that night.  I had a kind of peace that I had not had in a long time.  I claimed this scripture:

You have not given me a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7

Everyday since then God has revealed more and more of Himself to me. I’ve gained new Biblical truths that I didn’t know or had forgotten. I had been praying for wisdom in a specific direction with my writing for several weeks and God used a stranger in Kentucky to give me the confirmation I needed.  Yesterday I received devotions in several e-mails from across the country confirming the work that God is doing in my life. Most importantly I’m feeling stronger than I’ve felt in a long time. I’m so thankful that God is extending His merciful blessings to me. 

We were created for one and only one purpose, God wants to have an intimate relationship with us. Think about that often as you go through your day. Stop at some point and take a moment to talk to Him just like you would a friend about your job, the kids, your parents, or life in general. His always waiting with open arms.

My Song

What A Friend We Have In Jesus

What a friend we have in Jesus,
all our sins and griefs to bear!
What a privilege to carry
everything to God in prayer!
O what peace we often forfeit,
O what needless pain we bear,
all because we do not carry
everything to God in prayer.

My Prayer

Jesus, thank you for being my Father and Friend.

Forgive me for not trusting you with the big issues in my life.

Forgive my prideful ways and trying to be god.

Help me to always remember Your are the one and only true God.

Your ways are higher than mine and I can trust You because You gave Your life for me.

What a love, what a Friend, what a Lord.  Thank you, Jesus.

About Crystal Y. Hathcock

I am a freelance writer who loves to share my faith in Christ with others through my writing. I am a self taught cook and I enjoy sharing my new discoveries in the kitchen with my husband and friends. My interest also include singing at my church in the choir, a girl's goup, and a mixed trio. I find enjoyment making jewlry, couponing, decorating and taking care of my husband and my two puppies--Hankie and Calvin.
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1 Response to “I Am A Friend Of God”

  1. Our Lord is so precious to make His will known to us when we seek it. Over and over He sends us confirmations in some of the most unexpected places–like Kentucky!

    I’m praising God with you that He has spoken and you have listened. For me, that’s always the hard part.

    Love and blessings,

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